The Design Elements for the Model Development of New-Hanok Type Service Facilities in Apartment Housing - Focused on the Genetic factors of Korean Traditional Architecture -
ⓒ Copyright Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment
This study is as only basic research for the model Development of the New-Hanok Type Service Facilities in Apartment Housing, which is as a decisive factor used as a planning element for developing the model inherited tradition, There aimed at extracting the genetic factor of Korea's traditional architecture.
For this purpose, Consider the concept and regulations of the New-Hanok Type Service Facilities in Apartment Housing and examined the Domestic Application Status of the New-Hanok Type Service Facilities in Apartment Housing. It sets direction of the New-Hanok Type models development based on Expert advice and the literature, and was reviewed a primal reason system of Korea as an extraction base of genetic factors.
Then Through the framework of the vertical axis (the form), the horizontal axis (space), It extracted the genetic factors of the Korea Traditional Architecture, classified the genetic factors extracted as the structure(layout, construction, space), features, traditional beauty, investigated the content of the form representation and spatial meaning, and were characterized. Based on the result, It were comprehensive the genetic factors extracted as plan Elements for inheriting of the traditions.
New-Hanok Type, Service Facilities, Genetic factors of Korean Traditional Architecture1. Introduction
1.1. Research objectives
The government is preparing systematic basis for distribution and expansion of Hankok which is high quality and eco-firnedly housing based on new hanok plan for national status improvement confirmed by the third national architect policy planning committee(’10.05.03). Especially to accomplish '2020 hanok Renaissance, hanok popularization era' which is the propulsion goal of new hanok plan, development, expansion and distribution of various architectural space through utilization and close relation with modern and traditional architect are needed.
This research pursues popularization through opportunity expansion of new space experience to locals and future residents by developing public building models in new hanok type utilizing, connecting various planning factors of traditional and modern architect with service facilities1) within apartment housing mutually. But succession problem of traditional architect can be said to be the factor that should be considered the first in the process of developing service facilities to new hanok. This research intends to extract genetic factors of Korean traditional architect as a decisive factor that enables utilization based on plan for traditional succession upon model development of service facilities of new hanok Type.
1.2. Research method
We set the category and basic concept of service facilities of new hanok Type examining system and current relevant regulations and extracted genetic factors of Korean traditional architect as planning factors for tradition succession and developmental direction of model based on analysis result such as literature study, field survey and expert consultation as well as investigation on application status of new hanok Type service facilities.2)
2. Analysis of related regulations and concept of new hanok service facilities
2.1. Concept and category
National regulations3) and ordinance of local governments define hanok4) commonly mentioning 'Korean roof tile' and 'wooden structure' and 'traditional beauty' is stipulated as the following important standard. ‘Natural material’ is partly mentioned as well and in case of ordinance in Jeonju(’02), it stipulates not only the gate which is the landscape element but also walls. Currently, it was shown that only buildings with unified structure, material, traditional beauty are set as the scope of hanok in national regulation and ordinance.
The scope of new hanok Type building defined in this research is the wider concept differentiated from ‘new hanok’5) that is gaining its importance and is the flexible one that can expand 'new hanok' with main objective on house securing to various buildings such as public buildings and can be said to belong to ‘building asset’6)and ‘hanok building form’7) stipulated in current regulations.
The concept of ‘new hanok Type building’ is based on structure, function and beauty as well as possible transformation and recreation of planning factors drawn in modern building techniques and research result of 1st step hanok technology development along with genetic factors drawn from traditional architect responding to new environment that pursues continuous change and sets the direction that actively accepts modern conveniency, efficiency as standards based on the structure, function, traditional beauty of hanok8).
New-hanok service facilities are buildings with structural, technological, design features of new hanok9) and limited to annex (management office), welfare facilities (senior citizen center, kindergarten, resident's common space) within apartment housing.
2.2. Investigation on application status
In recent new house complex, differentiated marketing strategy as design grafted with Hanok is gaining importance as a new trend. But the case where welfare service facilities are created as hanok style is very scarce. But the case applied to the country recently includes 'Raemian Mapo Riverwell' complex in Seoul that started a sale since Junly of 2014 and it was understood that planning factors of traditional hanok such as living room and yard were introduced in residential common place in 'Kyunghui palace Xai' in Jong-no, Seoul and 'Woopyung Labien' in Andong of Kyungbuk which are for sale now. Application status of Table 2 is the survey result through experts consultation on field visit and related organization and phone survey of local governments office, internal search.
2.3. Review on related regulations
Followings are summary of examined, limited range of welfare facilities that are senior citizen center, kindergarten, residential common space (playground for children, small library, gymnasium, kindergarten) and annex that is management office.

Installation Scale of the Population Communal Facilities in Apartment Complexes of the Target Total Area Method
3. Induction of planning factors and basic direction of model development
3.1. Basic direction
The basic principle of model development of new hanok style welfare facilities is improvement of improper parts to modern architect environment and succession of advantages of traditional architect. Thus as it is organically connected to sustainable settlement environment of past, present and future, it pursues a high fusibility as potential capacity that can create new demand actively dealing with changes in demand regarding various housing life of demanders.
3.2. Planning factors deduction: Genetic factors of Korean traditional architect10)
Analysis regarding genetic factors starts in the aspect that ideological reason of Korea tradition is the basis that forms the distinction of Korean traditional architect. Although there is a difference between ages and implementation method as a space modeling principle hid in the backside of factors that do not change in Korean space culture, 'Heaven unity' thought that means sky (天), land (地) and people (人) unite can be considered as the root idea of our people. 11)
Our ancestors stipulated land(人, buildings) as ‘man's world’, and heaven(天) and underground(地) that cannot be explained with daily experience of human as ‘god's world’ and recognized buildings(+) as 'vertical(|) ∙ horizontal(ᅳ) axis' that connects heaven(風) and land(水)12) Likewise, Korean traditional architect seriated the nature connecting internal and outer space efficiently using natural energy through its ‘風流(wind road)’ in empty space between buildings. This leads to taste(風流)→flow of wind, water. light→geometric geography(風水地理)→natural providence. Korean traditional architect involves ideological concept of ‘Natural(天地人) unity’ forming basic frame of space creation method thanks to ‘aesthetics of nature’.
Since there is a close relation between outer and inner space in Korean traditional architect, the scope of genetic factors extraction included overall features such as internal space, transfer space, outer space. The target of genetic factors extraction was limited to Korean traditional architect in Chosun era.14) Representative instance of extracted genetic factors utilized field image data collected in direct survey in most cases along with literature investigation.
Based on primitive idea of Korea, following figure shows the composition organized after examining genetic factors extracted through vertical (form), horizontal (space) analysis with structure, function and beauty.
The procedure and method of genetic factor extraction contemplates Korean primitive speculation system regarding nature(heaven) unity ideology through first, literature review. Second, genetic factors were extracted through vertical (form), horizontal (space) analysis regarding various cases of traditional architect space and reviewed objectively through domestic experts consultation and independent decision of research faculty. Third, extracted genetic factors were classified into structure (allocation, design, space, function and traditional beauty to help analysis of features and contemplation of contents in accordance with spatial meaning and formative expression. Fourth, deduced genetic factors were combined as planning factors for tradition succession.
Following shows the summary of extraction result of genetic factors classifying them into inner, outer, transfer spae based on structure, function and traditional beauty.
Following is the summary of extracted genetic factors according to spatial features of Korean traditional architect by structure, function, beauty.
First, it can be classified into planning principle part according to horizontal and vertical axis such as location, allocation structure, design structure(stylobate-column-roof, construction method), spatial structure(inner, outer, transfer space), second, functional part regarding scientific principle of hanok such as natural heating (Goodle), natural cooling(convection), natural ventilation system. This would act as a factor that determines eco-friendly energy technology of model development (plan) of annex of public buildings in new hanok Type that will be developed in the future. Additionally, built-in storage, variable partition system through windows and doors that open can be considered as functional parts regarding internal space utilization of hanok, and these features will act as a factor that determines planning standard of internal space in new hanok Type with application of modern architect technique that will be deduced afterwards. Third, traditional beauty of internal space such as windows and doors, color will act as a traditional planning factor of new hanok Type service facilities. Finally, for overall appearance plan of service facilities in new hanok Type, planning standard that considers traditional beauty of outer space such as natural material, line, proportion, humor, wind current (wind way, water way) is needed to be presented. Natural material belongs to the development of new material that will be applied to new hanok Type service facilities and it will act as a planning standard that can be utilized upon model development of new hanok Type service facilities.
4. Conclusion
This research sets developmental direction of model as a basic research for model development of new hanok Type service facilities and extracted genetic factors of Korean traditional architect through vertical (form), horizontal (space) analysis based on structure, function, beauty then examined possibility as a planning factor for tradition succession. This research extracted planning factors as a primitive standard regarding genetic factors of Korean traditional architect as a basic research. However in order to apply it to actual service facilities in the future specific target selection and field applicability review are necessary and there is a need for follow-up research related to development of design manual and planning standard that can be utilized widely based on the result. Especially in follow-up research, there is also a need for a study on standard and system of objective type classification that can reflect variability of public buildings in new hanok style that will be developed in this research.
This research is meaningful as a basic research that extracts, proposes genetic factors of Korean traditional architect as a planning factor for tradition succession suitable for public buildings in new hanok Type so that it can be referred to by people, local governments and public organizations affiliated with expansion, distribution policy of hanok in recent years. The practical planning standard using genetic factors proposed in this research can be said to have its meaning and value as a common standard for distribution and expansion of new hanok Type public buildings.
This research utilized the part of result with financial aid in research cost from city arthictect research business of Ministry of Lan, Infrastructure and Transportation task no : 14AUDP-B070934-02
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