Improvement Options to Promote Livability of Stick Wood Frame Houses from the Perspectives of Experts and Dwellers
ⓒ 2023. KIEAE all rights reserved.
According to prior research, Declining fertility rates and population aging have stirred up demand on the betterment of quality of long-term life style and qualitative livability, where dweller-perceived satisfaction with dwelling and type of eco-friendly high-quality houses are very important factor.
This study qualitatively analyzed the satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors rated by stick wood frame house dwellers about the livability of their dwellings in terms of interior and exterior physical aspects of stick wood frame houses, and proposed some feasible options to promote the improvement of the livability of stick wood frame houses based on expert opinions.
The findings of this study may be conducive to stick wood frame house dwellers’ satisfaction with the quality of their dwellings and the advancement of localized technologies embodying the culture of Korean housing, and also provide some information applicable to stick wood frame housing, which will in turn serve as a significant variable in local housing market as an emerging type of dwelling.
Stick Wood Frame Houses, Dwelling Conditions Survey, Qualitative Indicator, Qualitative Study키워드:
경량목구조주택, 주택거주만족도, 정성지표 분석, 질적만족도1. Introduction
1.1. Background and Purpose of Study
With the housing supply ratio exceeding 100% and reaching a saturation point in Korea, the needs of contemporary people enjoying the economic growth have varied to the extent that they now place a priority on eco-friendliness of and qualitative satisfaction with their dwellings. Subsequently, using eco-friendly materials whose affective, healthy and energy-efficient quality gives satisfaction, stick wood frame houses are increasingly supplied in Korean housing culture. Still, despite the growing interest in stick wood frame houses, whether the needs of dwellers are fully considered in stick wood frame house design has not been documented properly. Largely, previous studies were focused on technical development, e.g. the improvement of physical engineering and environmental performance of stick wood frame houses, with little attention paid to surveying stick wood frame house dwellers about their dwelling conditions and satisfaction based on the livability of stick wood frame houses[1].
Thus, using a qualitative method of analyzing the livability which goes beyond the existing quantitative statistic approaches, this study cast light on the livability of stick wood frame houses based on diverse experiences of dwellers to identify relevant issues and problems and to propose some feasible options for promoting the improvement of the livability. Hence, by asking stick wood frame house dwellers to rate the livability of their dwellings, this study qualitatively analyzed the dweller-perceived dwelling conditions of stick wood frame houses to derive some issues and problems from the qualitative findings on the livability and gathered relevant opinions from experts for the purpose of gaining insight into promoting the improvement of the livability of stick wood frame houses.
1.2. Method and Scope of Study
This study analyzed the livability of stick wood frame houses by surveying the dweller-perceived architectural characteristics of stick wood frame houses and dwelling conditions thereof to illuminate some principal factors of dwelling satisfaction and quality issues and thereby gain insight into improvement options. Moreover, by refining the questions for the in-depth interviews based on the indicators derived from the literature review on multiple frames of reference, this inquiry case study conducted the qualitative and inductive analysis of the livability of stick wood frame houses.
As for the sampling method used in this qualitative analysis of the livability rated by dwellers, the purposive sampling (Guba & Lincoln, 1985) was used to continuously extract the sample based on the gathered information until the information reported by each participant in the sample showed the repetitiveness comparable to given themes, unlike the statistical sampling. For the qualitative analysis of the interviews with the dwellers, the participant interviewees consented beforehand to have all the information they provided recorded. To identify any themes or patterns from the data, the constructs, findings, thoughts and feelings that formed certain patterns repeatedly found in the data were analyzed with the QSR Nivo 8.0 program, widely used for analyzing qualitative study data, prior to compiling. To find out any contradiction and gap in the records, and understand the participants’ preconceptions or biases, expert opinions were sought repeatedly via the preliminary study[2].
The participants in this study were the stick wood frame house dwellers who had lived in their dwellings for one year or longer. Given the lack of experts and the scale of stick wood frame housing constructors in Korea, the target area was limited to the capital area. This study has limitations in that the small sample size hinders the generalization of its findings to the entire stick wood frame housing despite the facts in the field used to derive the livability ratings with the qualitative method.
2. Relevant Concepts
2.1. Previous Studies on Stick Wood Frame Houses
Until recent times, studies on wood frame houses mostly have dealt with structural characteristics, construction work and physical environmental performance, e.g. experiments on construction work and design of traditional wooden houses versus stick wood frame houses. For 20 years since the early 1990s, case studies have compared Japanese versus Korean wood frame houses, investigated hanok as the traditional timber frame housing and also comparatively analyzed the types of wood frame house structures in Korea and overseas countries focusing on the early stages of stick wood frame housing. More recently, studies have delved into stick wood frame house production technology and improvement of construction work performance including new structures and materials of stick wood frame houses, construction methods, and improvement of indoor air quality and insulation performance[3]. Yet, no socio-cultural case study has been conducted concerning the lifestyle values, housing needs and dwelling conditions based on the life and experience of dwellers living in stick wood frame houses.
2.2. Analyzing the Livability of Stick Wood Frame Houses
Christian Noberg-Schulz defines the concept of dwelling as setting a meaningful relationship between humans and given environment (Schulz, 1995). To analyze the man-perceived livability, physical attributes should primarily be analyzed, for which quantitative and qualitative study methods were derived. As the definition of livability went beyond the physical housing characteristics and embraced the perception of dwellers, it became necessary to use the indicators focused on the ratings by actual dwellers rather than the physical factors (Choi, 2005). Previous studies relevant to the analysis of livability were continuously published until the mid-1980s, laying the foundation for further studies on new indicators proposed in the late 1980s. Additionally, to address the challenges resulting from the limitations of quantitative methods of including people as dwellers in the analysis of livability, qualitative methods have become inevitable
In Korea since the early 2000s comprehensive analysis methods dealing with the qualitative methods applicable to the analysis of dwelling conditions and the livability rating were first proposed. To develop the framework for the qualitative indicators for the analysis of livability, existing livability ratings and relevant indicators and checklists were adapted for the participants and then specified based on the review by stick wood frame house experts. The analysis of the livability of stick wood frame houses parallels the post occupancy evaluation(P.O.E), in that systematic and objective methods are used to analyze multiple factors of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with stick wood frame houses from the aspects of quality based on the responses gathered from the dwellers who have been living in their stick wood frame houses since the completion of construction. Therefore, the analysis of livability is applicable to the P.O.E of the dweller-perceived livability but not to the pre-occupancy evaluation[5]. The important components in the analysis of livability should be constructed in light of multiple environmental contexts involving the empirical methods by components, functions, technologies, design stages and construction work process. The performance and technology items included in each range of livability correspond to the physical characteristics items. Hence, the qualitative method of analyzing the livability was deemed a highly applicable and feasible analysis tool (Choi, 2005).
Based on the literature on qualitative indicators for livability rating, experts reviewed the validity of the items relevant to the livability of stick wood frame houses prior to setting the final indicators[3].
3. Livability of Stick Wood Frame Houses Rated by Dwellers
3.1. Livability Rating
To analyze the livability of stick wood frame houses, this study gathered some inductive cases of particular conditions based on architectural characteristics and dwelling conditions by means of observation, interviews, documents and recording, prior to conducting the qualitative case analysis and collecting the expert opinions. The participants in this study were the owner-dwellers of stick wood frame houses, who had gone through every aspect from stick wood frame house construction to dwelling. A total of 17 households were interviewed. Each participant had 1∼3 interviews. Each interview lasted for 50∼80 minutes. The interviews were open-ended regardless of the sequence of prepared questions on the interview sheets, followed the conversational flow and were recorded. After the interviews, the field study was conducted in reference to the descriptions of the facilities, interior and exterior, floor plans and photographs of stick wood frame houses. Also, post-interview expert opinions were gathered before asking additional questions of the participants and experts by email and phone. To preclude any case and opinion from manipulation or distortion and to analyze and verify the cases and opinions in natural contexts to the maximum extent possible, the qualitative multiple case study method was used. First of all, stick wood frame house dwellers were interviewed about their dwelling conditions to derive relevant problems and issues, which in turn underwent continuous questions and comparative analysis to name the concepts and then categorize comparable concepts. The attributes and dimensions of those categories were developed further to determine the final factors. The recorded interview audio files were transcribed into texts, which were in turn analyzed with QSR Nvivo 8.0 to extract a total of 168 concepts, 35 subcategories and 8 categories. Following the assessment of the extracted final content by the panel of experts based on the foregoing categories via phone calls and email attachments, the advised design, construction work and structural improvement options were proposed[3]. The extracted 8 final categories and 35 subcategories were further developed to comprise the following specific items.
3.2. Assuring the Validity and Reliability
To add to the reliability prior to selecting the items used for the livability rating, this study reviewed the questionnaire surveys and interviews used in a range of previous studies. Also, to preclude participants’ subjectivity to the maximum extent possible, the response options were sub-classified for raters, while simultaneously overlapping questions dealing with similar content were set to increase the reliability. Moreover, to help the participants understand the purpose of the interview and to increase the accuracy of their responses, they were fully informed of the survey beforehand. As a way of increasing the validity of this study, the inclusion criteria required of prospective participants the experience of dwelling in concrete housing for at least one year in addition to their dwelling in stick wood frame houses, and set the lower limit of the period of their dwelling in their current stick wood frame houses to comparatively analyze the dwelling conditions of the concrete versus stick wood frame houses. Then, the analysis findings on the participants’ responses and experts’ opinions were reviewed by stick wood frame house associations, architects, construction workers and owner builders. In selecting the specific question items, instead of simple Yes or No questions about the factors of dwelling conditions as used in previous studies, the questions were constructed in connection with the characteristics of dwelling in stick wood frame houses to elicit more specific responses. To preclude the bias of the interviewer, the interviewer kept neutrality and described the data collection and analysis process in detail[4].
4. Results
4.1. Analysis Results of Livability Rated by Dwellers in Stick Wood Frame Houses
Based on the analysis of the content gathered from the interviews with 17 participants, positive and negative words were derived and ranked in order of frequency.
The primary positive responses (or words) were relevant to humidity control, insulation performance, yard and deck and emotional well-being and atmosphere, whereas the primary negative responses were relevant to construction work and soundproofing. Based on the comparative priorities of improvement options depending on the characteristics of dwelling in stick wood frame houses, the following specific factors relevant to dwellers’ dissatisfaction with stick wood frame houses need to be improved.
Based on the analysis findings on dwelling conditions of stick wood frame houses, the dweller-perceived satisfaction factors were optimal indoor humidity, optimal indoor temperature, indoor air circulation, easily alterable interior structure, yard and deck, easily alterable exterior environment, nature-friendly environment, contribution to dwellers’ health improvement, contribution to dwellers’ emotional well-being, agreeable aesthetic individuality and short construction period.
The present analysis of dwelling conditions of stick wood frame houses highlighted the dweller-perceived dissatisfaction factors, viz. the lack of soundproofing, unprofessional construction work resulting in defect repair, difficulties in purchasing simple building materials, endless exterior maintenance, and security concerns. Notably, the analysis findings underscored the needs for improvement such as noise-proofing reinforcement, harmony of construction work and design considering earthquake and fire resistance, specialization of construction technologies fit for Korea, development of more durable eco-friendly exterior materials for stick wood frame houses, affordable energy-saving options applicable to small houses, development of structures optimal for earthquake resistance and high-rise buildings, and improvement of integrated guidelines free from popular misconceptions and prejudices[5].
4.2. Improvement Options for Stick Wood Frame Houses Proposed by Experts based on Findings on Livability
Wood frame house experts proposed the improvement options based on the problems reported by the participants. Defects and problems were classified into three aspects, i.e. design, construction work and structural aspects, to derive relevant improvement options. The defects and problems found in indoor, outdoor and indoor/outdoor spaces and relevant improvement options are outlined in Tables 1, 2 and 3 below.
As analyzed in Table 8.~10., based on the analysis findings on livability of stick wood frame houses, the expert opinions suggested the improvement options for the physical components of indoor space, i.e. windows, boilers and basements, and for those of outdoor space, i.e. the structural design of outdoor space, exterior building materials, roof joints, lighting and decking. Also, in terms of the indoor and outdoor spaces, the structure, design and construction work of front doors, ventilation, drainage and water supply, indoor and outdoor security were proposed to be improved as outlined in the tables above based on the expert opinions.1)
5. Conclusion and Implications
The qualitative survey was conducted by way of in-depth interviews about 8 categories and 31 specific items with 17 households dwelling in stick wood frame houses in the capital area to analyze the livability of stick wood frame houses in Korea. The 8 categories were the background of selecting stick wood frame houses, indoor conditions, outdoor conditions, maintenance, safety, lifestyle values, preference for stick wood frame houses, and satisfaction with stick wood frame houses as an alternative to concrete housing. In particular, the pleasant indoor air, humidity control and positive effects on dwellers’ emotional well-being and health were found to be differentiated advantages of stick wood frame houses versus concrete housing. Yet, the maintenance and security were found to be the dissatisfaction factors in comparison to concrete housing[6]. That said, all participants wanted to continue to dwell in stick wood frame houses and rated high the physical advantages and lifestyle values of stick wood frame houses[7]. The present findings imply that technical reinforcement and product development will contribute to increasing the satisfaction with the quality of dwelling in stick wood frame houses, and also that Korean housing market has the potential to supply the stick wood frame houses utilizing localized technologies and to develop the industry through the betterment of livability.
In Korea faced with declining fertility rates and super-aging population, policy makers should reduce apartments in future new-town projects and instead develop some national projects ensuring a balanced supply of detached and fusion housing to enable a systematic supply of stick wood frame houses and to increase the efficiency of home buying with small-scale housing complexes and small-size homes assuming the characteristics of stick wood frame houses. Furthermore, the advancement of stick wood frame house construction methods and research on construction technologies suitable for future domestic housing market will be conducive to establishing a systematic stick wood frame house construction system, diversifying the types of housing in Korea, increasing the satisfaction with the quality of dwelling, and quantifying the stick wood frame house construction system, which will in turn add to the supply and development of stick wood frame houses as an economically feasible, stable, energy-efficient and eco-friendly housing option.
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